Run A Node

For detailed instructions on running a node, please refer to this tutorial (opens in a new tab). Below, we provide a quick setup script to get your node up and running.


Make sure to remove the .wasmd folder before starting this setup. The .wasmd folder is usually located in your home directory and contains all the data related to the chain. Leaving it might cause conflicts or errors.

Setup Node

Run the following script to initialize and configure your node:

# Initialize the node with a moniker (name) and a specific chain ID
wasmd init demo --chain-id=docs-chain-1
# Add key pairs for alice and bob accounts
wasmd keys add alice --keyring-backend=test
wasmd keys add bob --keyring-backend=test
# Add genesis accounts with initial balances
wasmd genesis add-genesis-account alice "1000000000000stake" --keyring-backend=test
wasmd genesis add-genesis-account bob "1000000000000stake" --keyring-backend=test
# Create a genesis transaction for the alice account, making alice a validator
wasmd genesis gentx alice "250000000stake" --chain-id=docs-chain-1 --amount="250000000stake" --keyring-backend=test
# Collect genesis transactions to finalize the genesis file
wasmd genesis collect-gentxs

Start node

To start the node, run the following command:

wasmd start