sv::payload attribute

Use sv::payload to specify if the SubMsg::payload should be forwarded as Binary. Exactly ONE reply method parameter can be marked with the sv::payload attribute. If missing, Sylvia will deserialize the payload to types defined after the sv::data parameter.


To use sv::payload attribute pre Sylvia 2.0.0, you need to enable the replies feature using the sv::features.


List of macros supporting the sv::data attribute:


pub struct ReplyPayload {
    pub receiver: Addr,
    pub coins: Coin,
pub struct Contract;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "library", sylvia::entry_points)]
impl Contract {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
    fn instantiate(&self, ctx: InstantiateCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {
    #[sv::msg(reply, reply_on=success)]
    fn success_handler(
        ctx: ReplyCtx,
        #[sv::payload(raw)] payload: Binary,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {
    #[sv::msg(reply, reply_on=error)]
    fn error_handler(
        ctx: ReplyCtx,
        error: String,
        payload: ReplyPayload,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {
    #[sv::msg(reply, reply_on=always)]
    fn always_handler(
        ctx: ReplyCtx,
        result: SubMsgResult,
        receiver: Addr,
        coins: Coin,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {

Sylvia uses the from_json to deserialize the payload field, so it has to be serialized do JSON.