
This section describes the permission settings, enabling you to manage access to essential operations like uploading and instantiating Wasm contracts.

Chain Permissions

The wasm module provides configurable settings to control who can upload and instantiate Wasm binaries. These settings are managed through the Cosmos-SDK’s params module.


"code_upload_access": This setting determines who is permitted to upload Wasm binaries to the blockchain.

  • Nobody: Disables Wasm binary uploads for everyone.
  • Everybody: Allows anyone to upload a Wasm binary.
  • AnyOfAddresses: Restricts Wasm binary uploads to specific addresses.

"instantiate_default_permission": This setting defines the default permission for who can instantiate a Wasm binary if the code owner has not explicitly set this permission.

  • Nobody: No one is allowed to instantiate the Wasm binary.
  • Everybody: Any user on the blockchain can instantiate the Wasm binary.
  • AnyOfAddresses: Only the specified addresses can instantiate the Wasm binary.

Genesis File Configuration

During the initial setup of the blockchain, you can configure these parameters in the genesis file as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "params": {
        "code_upload_access": {
          "permission": "Everybody"
        "instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"

Updating Chain Permissions

After the chain has been initialized, you can update these parameters through a governance proposal using the MsgUpdateParams message type. The MsgUpdateParams message type is used to propose changes to the blockchain’s configuration parameters via governance.

Drafting the Proposal

Use the interactive CLI tool to draft a governance proposal:

wasmd tx gov draft-proposal

Submitting the Proposal

Once the draft is prepared, submit the proposal using the following command:

wasmd tx gov submit-proposal draft_proposal.json  --from alice --keyring-backend=test --chain-id=docs-chain-1

Example Scenarios

Below are a few examples demonstrating how to configure different scenarios for Wasm code upload permissions using governance proposals:

Disable Wasm Code Uploads

  "messages": [
      "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
      "authority": "wasm10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700js7zslc",
      "params": {
        "code_upload_access": {
          "permission": "Nobody",
          "addresses": []
        "instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"
  "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
  "deposit": "1000000stake",
  "title": "Disable Wasm Code Uploads",
  "summary": "This proposal disables the ability for anyone to upload new Wasm binaries.",
  "expedited": false

Allow Wasm Code Uploads for Everybody

  "messages": [
      "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
      "authority": "wasm10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700js7zslc",
      "params": {
        "code_upload_access": {
          "permission": "Everybody",
          "addresses": []
        "instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"
  "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
  "deposit": "1000000stake",
  "title": "Allow Wasm code uploads for everybody",
  "summary": "This proposal enables the ability for anyone to upload new Wasm binaries.",
  "expedited": false

Restrict Wasm Code Uploads to Specific Addresses

  "messages": [
      "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
      "authority": "wasm10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700js7zslc",
      "params": {
        "code_upload_access": {
          "permission": "AnyOfAddresses",
          "addresses": [
        "instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"
  "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
  "deposit": "1000000stake",
  "title": "Allow Wasm code uploads only for Alice and Bob",
  "summary": "This proposal enables the ability for Alice and Bob to upload new Wasm binaries.",
  "expedited": false

Query params

You can query the chain permissions using the following command:

wasmd q wasm params -o json

The output looks similar to this:

  "code_upload_access": {
    "permission": "Everybody",
    "addresses": []
  "instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"

Contract Permissions

Granting permissions allows an address to delegate abilities such as performing store-code, execute, or migrate operations to another address. To grant a permission, the granter must have that permission. This means that only users who are authorized to perform an action can delegate that ability to others.

This section explains how to grant and query permissions for storing, executing, and migrating Wasm contracts on the blockchain.

Store Code Authorization

To authorize a specific address to store Wasm code, use the following command:

wasmd tx wasm grant store-code \
    wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku \
    3F4CD47C39C57FE1733FB41ED176EEBD9D5C67BAF5DF8A1EEDA1455E758F8514:everybody \
    --from alice \
    --keyring-backend=test \
    --chain-id=docs-chain-1 \

This command allows Alice to grant Bob (wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku) the authorization to store a specific Wasm code on the blockchain. The Wasm code is defined by the code checksum 3F4CD47C39C57FE1733FB41ED176EEBD9D5C67BAF5DF8A1EEDA1455E758F8514. The permission granted allows "everybody" to instantiate this code. This means that once Bob uploads the Wasm code, any user on the blockchain will be able to instantiate it.

You can verify the authorization by querying the grants:

wasmd q authz grants wasm179avw96aay70ps99umuaesxxczwc0qm5gwufxg wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku -o json

The output looks similar to this:

  "grants": [
      "authorization": {
        "type": "wasm/StoreCodeAuthorization",
        "value": {
          "grants": [
              "instantiate_permission": {}
  "pagination": {
    "total": "1"

Contract Execution Authorization

To authorize a specific address to execute a Wasm contract, use the following command:

wasmd tx wasm grant contract \
    wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku execution \
    wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d \
    --allow-all-messages \
    --max-calls 1 \
    --no-token-transfer \
    --expiration 1755772189 \
    --from alice \
    --keyring-backend=test \
    --chain-id=docs-chain-1 \

This command allows Alice to grant Bob (wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku) the authorization to execute a specific Wasm smart contract (wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d). The granted permission allows Bob to execute any message on the contract, but only for a single execution (--max-calls 1) and does not allow token transfers (--no-token-transfer). This permission applies to all message types (--allow-all-messages) and will expire at a specified timestamp (--expiration 1755772189).

The authorization can be verified by querying the grants:

  "grants": [
      "authorization": {
        "type": "wasm/ContractExecutionAuthorization",
        "value": {
          "grants": [
              "contract": "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d",
              "limit": {
                "type": "wasm/MaxCallsLimit",
                "value": {
                  "remaining": "1"
              "filter": {
                "type": "wasm/AllowAllMessagesFilter",
                "value": {}
      "expiration": "2025-08-21T10:29:49Z"

Contract Migration Authorization

To authorize a specific address to migrate a Wasm contract, use the following command:

wasmd tx wasm grant contract wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku migration \
    wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d \
    --allow-all-messages \
    --max-calls 5 \
    --max-funds 100000stake \
    --expiration 1755772189 \
    --from alice \
    --keyring-backend=test \
    --chain-id=docs-chain-1 \

This command allows Alice to grant Bob (wasm1427kpq9mmnfp0madk5axh2ukmjgpfh6skzdxku) the authorization to migrate a specific Wasm smart contract (wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d). The granted permission allows Bob to perform up to five migrations (--max-calls 5) with a maximum fund limit of 100,000 stake tokens (--max-funds 100000stake). This permission applies to all message types (--allow-all-messages) and will expire at a specified timestamp (--expiration 1755772189).

The authorization can be verified by querying the grants:

  "grants": [
      "authorization": {
        "type": "wasm/ContractMigrationAuthorization",
        "value": {
          "grants": [
              "contract": "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d",
              "limit": {
                "type": "wasm/CombinedLimit",
                "value": {
                  "calls_remaining": "5",
                  "amounts": [
                      "denom": "stake",
                      "amount": "100000"
              "filter": {
                "type": "wasm/AllowAllMessagesFilter",
                "value": {}
      "expiration": "2025-08-21T10:29:49Z"